Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Kylie's Cooking Class

As I mentioned in Kylie's Birthday post, she has been taking a cooking class for the past 6 weeks.  She has really enjoyed it, has learned some things (though she doesn't seem willing to share her knowledge in my kitchen!), and made some new friends.
Here are some pictures from the past weeks.
(picture credit goes to Library Staff:))

This lady is from a local radio station and she interviewed the girls one week and used it on one of her kids radio programs. So Kylie got to be on the radio too:)
Good thing they sent us a link to the clip so we could listen too.
Dishes duty!
They made a different meal each week and that was their supper.  Kylie often brought leftovers home and they were yummy!
On the last evening the class cooked for the parents and families.  There were only three girls that night so they were busy!! 
  They made sloppy joes, cole slaw salad, and apple roses for dessert. It was all very good and I got a night off cooking!!
Good job Ky.  I may take you up on your knowledge on of these nights - especially since you got to take a copy of all the recipes home!