Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy 30th Jonathan!!

Today Jonathan turns 30! We've always kind of looked up at 30 as this rather large number that started us on being old. But as the date draws closer and closer, we are realizing just how great 30 actually is. Its a perfect combination between youth and maturity. Doesn't get much better than that - anyhow, that's what everyone 5o and over keeps telling us. So we will enjoy these days of being 30 and older, just as we've enjoyed the days up to this point.
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

I thank God for this man that He has blessed me and my children with. He is a wonderful husband, father, friend, provider, worker, encourager, and servant of the LORD. He keeps our lives interesting and even though we think he's crazy sometimes -- we love him just the way he is.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just so that . . .

. . . you'll have something new to look at:) I seriously have taken less than 100 pictures since October . . . but I found four that I thought were worth sharing.
Kylie - I had to take the picture quick, because it would have been only a matter of seconds until the deterioration of her beauty would begin . . . I've never seen someone's nicely done hair, turn to chaos as quickly as this little girls . . . Stockings this year . . . we couldn't hang them on the wall since we just finished patching and painting, so I just kept them hidden until it was time . . . cuts down on the suspense and hyperness that seems to accompany the opening of gifts! My side of the family in its entirety. . . . and us:)

Monday, January 4, 2010


The snow that my boys (Kevin especially) have been waiting and waiting for, has finally arrived. And they were quick to take advantage of it by begging to go to the hill. They could have stayed all afternoon - but alas - their dear sister could not hack the cold at all! Believe it or not - this (picture below) is Kade climbing UP the hill!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Eve/Day

This first one I title "Four little monkey's jumping on the bed!" They were all watching a movie cozily - until we came out with the cameras! I guess we shouldn't be too shocked. We spent New Years at Nate and Beths and had a cozy and fun time with Josh and Steph and Rich and MaryBeth. Family is a wonderful blessing and we are thankful for times of the year like this when we can get together. New Years Day we met in TO with almost all the rest of the VD family. It was nice to see everybody again and especially Dan and Sarah who we don't see too often. This is such a fun time for all the kids too - to spend time with their cousins.
Here are the older kids playing the "present" game.

And the euchre game that the guys just can't go without.
And Opa entertaining the kids and taking them for ride after ride.

Bethany with Steve and Jo's newest - Matthew.
What a cute little man!!
Happy New Year to everyone!!!