Monday, March 29, 2010

My Closet is Squeaking!

I had plans to blog about hockey today - big people hockey pictures from the hockey tournament and little people hockey pictures from Kevin and Kade's final hockey last week. But I was in the kitchen thinking about supper when I heard my closet squeaking. Really. So of course I had to investigate. And this is what I found:

Right on top of my beach umbrella.

Who let the cat in the house???!!!!! And am I allowed to put her and her descendants outside? or do I all of the sudden have a house pet for a few days? Kevin asked me this morning why Kyggy was meowing so loudly and following him around . . . I guess I should have known.

But now I must go investigate a little further - with a flashlight or something. It is VERY dark in the closet and my flash did very well on that picture, but in real life, I can see NOTHING - I just hear squeaking . . . . and of course the motor of Mama purring.

I hope cats are neat about this whole process . . .


  1. you're doomed, Denise :) That little kitten is going to get a whole lot cuter in the days and weeks to come!

  2. How many are there this time? Just one? Looks like a cute one. :o)

  3. I was definitely expecting a different animal that squeaks!! That is pretty funny! How did nobody notice a cat go into the closet?? :D

  4. Well, there are four little kitties again this time. They are (were) in the very far back corner of the closet under the stairs. How did we not notice?? She is sneaky - as further evidenced by her actions tonight. She slips upstairs which I DO NOT like . . . so Kylie chases her down. Then just moments later, as we sip our coffee on the couch, Jon sees a blur and exclaims, "There she goes with one of the kittens!" So I race upstairs, and its a good thing her motor is very loud, b/c I don't think I would have found her very easy. She was in the back of my closet, nestled in all my clothes and blankets. NOT ALLOWED!! So I bring them both down and moments later she streaks up with kitten number two. Then she meows in protest b/c I shut all the closet doors. I bring them down again and plop them both in a nicely lined box. And you guessed it . . . up she goes with #3. I put her in the box and plopped #4 in there right away. I think she is upset about the loss of privacy. So we put her in a dark corner for now. I hate to think about what she will do in the night. I think I may boot the whole batch outside if this keeps up. Can kittens survive in these night temperatures???? I hope so, b/c as you know, I'm not a big fan of animals in my home:) We shall see what happens.

  5. NOPE, kittens can NOT survive in these negative night temperatures. Make a little nest at the end of your bed for them to sleep in for a couple weeks till they're weaned or its warmer out :D ha ha!! And yes, cats are sneaky! Frosty has snuck into our bedroom closet before too - don't like that!
