Friday, March 26, 2010

By Kevin . . .

Kevin does not enjoy writing. In fact if he sees more than two blank lines on a worksheet, he will try to turn the page quickly and hope that I never notice that he skipped a page. So yesterday he had to do some "Creative Writing". Usually when we do this type of thing, I end up suggesting a title (which he uses), and opening sentence (which he uses), some ideas for the body (which he ends up using) and he is generally able to come up with the concluding sentence himself - its usually, "I loved it!" or "It was fun". So Kevin's creativity and story usually ends up sounding like something that I wrote myself (although simplified and shortened).
So it was a great delight to me when I found this yesterday - i didn't hear ANY complaining about having to do it . . . I didn't help him even a little bit . . .and it actually makes sense - though it is far from a creative masterpiece!! Anyhow - I thought it was cute . . . so I thought I'd share it.

p.s. He did tell me this morning that Kade helped him . . .


  1. I love it! =) It's great reading about your family, Denise - thanks for sharing!!

  2. Good job Kade, I mean Kevin:)Allison always hated writing, but she now enjoys it much more since she is in school. Kate has always loved it, and fills pages and pages with writing....not the most normal child:)

  3. That story made me smile ;) Those boys are quite funny!!! (when they answer the phone too... :)I also have to laugh at the picture of Kade on the playground.. how he wanted a picture taken like that so many times!!! I just love those boys!!


  4. The kids and I were reading this, and I said to Jeremy, I didn't know you were Kevin's brother. Could work for him too :)
