Monday, January 4, 2010


The snow that my boys (Kevin especially) have been waiting and waiting for, has finally arrived. And they were quick to take advantage of it by begging to go to the hill. They could have stayed all afternoon - but alas - their dear sister could not hack the cold at all! Believe it or not - this (picture below) is Kade climbing UP the hill!


  1. That's alot of snow! Looks like here! I thought you guys didn't have any out there yet? or is that more just Aylmer? What hill is that? I'd love to snow board! I'm sure I would be quite pathetic at it though :) Looks like fun!

  2. Kate,
    Hi! Yes we have a fair bit of snow - definitely more than east of here - though i bet you have more still. Sounds like you had some lovely weather this past weekend. The boys love the snowboarding - and the hill is just the hill at the school down the road - perfect for them to start out at - but they are pretty good at it and are ready to move on to something bigger. (though they still think this one is lots of fun) I tried their boards too (without my feet in of course) and can make it down almost all the way but always fall over at the very bottom - i blame it on the fact that my feet are not attached. I think I would like it too - though I'm not sure about doing it on an actual ski hill. I'm thinking i should have wrote you an email . . . .
