Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just so that . . .

. . . you'll have something new to look at:) I seriously have taken less than 100 pictures since October . . . but I found four that I thought were worth sharing.
Kylie - I had to take the picture quick, because it would have been only a matter of seconds until the deterioration of her beauty would begin . . . I've never seen someone's nicely done hair, turn to chaos as quickly as this little girls . . . Stockings this year . . . we couldn't hang them on the wall since we just finished patching and painting, so I just kept them hidden until it was time . . . cuts down on the suspense and hyperness that seems to accompany the opening of gifts! My side of the family in its entirety. . . . and us:)


  1. Finally!!!! I was waiting for some pictures from you girlie! Kylies hair looks adorable!! She is one crazy girl!


  2. Mary-Beth: I didn't know that you had a 3rd Hunter a twin?

  3. oh Ev - I don't understand!! Wait a minute you must be talking about that super adorable baby Richard is holding - finally a baby with lots of hair!! =D

  4. It is great to see some new pictures here again; I love the one of the whole clan. But really, I would come here with or without the new pics - I come for the music. It makes laundry folding a pleasant task when one can listen to some "good noise"!

  5. you have THE coolest mirror for cute hairdos such as that... how do you escape the picture tho? I was so confused about the hunter twin thing, thanks for clarifying Mare! I like your family picture, it seems you usually get better smiles when no one is behind the camera?? ;)

  6. Very sweet family picture and fabulous picture of Kylie!
