Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy 30th Jonathan!!

Today Jonathan turns 30! We've always kind of looked up at 30 as this rather large number that started us on being old. But as the date draws closer and closer, we are realizing just how great 30 actually is. Its a perfect combination between youth and maturity. Doesn't get much better than that - anyhow, that's what everyone 5o and over keeps telling us. So we will enjoy these days of being 30 and older, just as we've enjoyed the days up to this point.
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

I thank God for this man that He has blessed me and my children with. He is a wonderful husband, father, friend, provider, worker, encourager, and servant of the LORD. He keeps our lives interesting and even though we think he's crazy sometimes -- we love him just the way he is.


  1. Dear Jon!!!!!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday!! You are still as weird as ever but somehow we all love you very much!!!We hope that you have a wonderful day!! =D
    love rich & mare

  2. Happy Birthday Jon! We wish you the Lord's blessing in the year ahead. Hope you have a great day!
    Will and Chris.

  3. Happy Birthday Jon!!! Hope you have an awesome day.

  4. Happy Birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday toooooo YOU! Can't you just hear all our kids singing that in some very loud tones:) Hope you have a great birthday! And I loved the happy birthday songs you put up Denise:)

  5. Today's your birthday, we wish you many more, parties galore, friendly rapport...time to celebrate your special day, day of your earthly debut... We love you alot Jonathan and we hope your day and this upcoming year is filled with many blessings! And although you are getting old and wrinkly and often ornery, we accept you in our family! LOVE YOU LOTS! COME DOWN SOON!!!
    Sarah, Dan and boys!

  6. Happy Birthday, you old geaser. (Hey, I can say that, because he just going to get me back in August anyway.) Our anniversary was on Friday as well, and we were out of town being in the Dominican, but hey ... Can someone please turn off that birthday music? I've heard it three times now! :-) Just kidding, the music is fitting. Anyways, a blessed belated birthday and wishing a good year with your family and the Lord, and many more.


    (Happy Birthday from Karen as well.)

  7. Very nice touch with the 'happy birthday' music on the blog! Makes me laugh!

  8. Happy Belated Birthday to my dear brother Jonathan! I hope that you had a great day. Thanks also for having Isaiah over, I hope that he wasn't to much trouble! Your wife does such a nice job with all the pictures of you! Anyways hopefully we can get together for the birthdays soon!
    Love Becky
